Sunday, May 2, 2010

It'sBeen aFew Days.....

Since my last post... It is for good reason.  I have had the best weekend with my family.  We spent lots of time together and just had some great bonding moments and we created some pretty great memories.  You might be asking - where did we go? What did we do?  We didn't go any where.  It was me! As strange as it may sound, I told myself this weekend that I was going to "slow down" Enjoy time with my family.  The laundry will be there tomorrow, the rugs didn't need to be vacuumed and plates could be left on the counter - it was o.k.  Instead of vacuuming or cleaning, I spent precious moments with my family.  Moments that I will never get back.  It made me realize that my kids are not going to be this age forever and there will come a time they will not want me to play trucks with them, push them on the swing or watch them do some cool trick.  I have to savor these days.  My children have taught me a very valuable lesson this weekend and I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with them.
     With that being said, I will start posting all the great deals tomorrow.  Good night everyone.  Sweet Dreams :)