Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Do Over?

A few nights ago I had the pleasure of attending a going away party for one of my friends. This friend is moving away to Florida. She has quit her job, sold all of her possessions and is leaving behind her life up here in Massachusetts. Basically she is starting anew. Well, this had made me ponder the question - If I was given the chance to start over - a do over, let's say, would I do it? What if I could go back to a point in my life, any point, and make a different decision or make a different choice. Hmmm... Would I go back to my high school years and study harder? Would I go back even further to my childhood and simply slow down. I can tell you this, if I could go back to my childhood as the person I am today, I would tell myself to savor the carefree days of your childhood and to not be in such a hurry to grow up. Getting back to the point, Would I go back to any point in my life and do it over? Well I can honestly tell you, without a doubt, my answer would be NO! Perhaps even a Hell No!
Now I know it sounds a little to cliche, however all of the experiences I had and any turmoil I endured has made me the person I am today. And who exactly am I? I am a person with not the greatest of confidence, definitely a klutz, I am terrified of social situations and petrified of the unknown and I am certainly not the perfect mom, and perhaps I spend way too much time in front of the computer. However, this is me.
I am at a point in my life where I am finally content and I am at peace. It was a very long and often times bumpy road but I got here. I am in a relationship that I feel I spent my entire life looking for. I have two amazing children that I thank God for everyday and I have family and friends who I treasure more than any of them will ever know. No, I'm not perfect. My laundry is often times overflowing and my checkbook more often than not doesn't always balance, my kids sometimes don't listen and I may miss a DR.'s appointment or two. But this is me - Crazy, forgetful, loud, clumsy, silly ME.